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LesboPornCritic добавлено 2020-01-21 07:03:13

First of all, why tf is she reading about braille? Was that the only book on set and you were just like f it? Why does a book about braille even exist? People who need braille can't even read in the first place! Secondly, why did she say out loud "I need to be less anxious about all these rapists"? She is in her very own home reading a book about braille. Why would she need to worry about rapists? Does she now the other woman will rape her? That doesn't make any sense. It needs more context. Or maybe she is studying to cure blind people or something and she's stressed about that. That would kill two birds with one stone. Third, wtf is that music? It's not the fucking wizard of Oz. This is not a children's fairy tale. Music sucks ass. Fourth, how did the witch get to licking her pussy? This girl would see her with the witch and be like "WTF! I was right about the rapists! I will run away and call 911!" You need to explain that a bit more. Fifth, this has nothing to do with the plot, but you need to make the ads less awful. As I am writing this, I am getting turned off by watching a redhead get raped by two giant cocks. Make the ads something more mainstream that isn't so offensive to some people. The actual content of the video wad very hot. Just fix the damn plot. Hotness: 7.5/10 Plot: 1.5/5 Total: 8/15 (-1 for rape advertisement)

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